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How to Renew Your Account


4.0 - Updated on 2022-01-28 by Fang Wang

3.0 - Updated on 2021-01-27 by Fang Wang

2.0 - Updated on 2020-11-17 by Fang Wang

1.0 - Authored on 2017-06-15 by Jacob Spangler (Inactive)

How to Renew Your Account


Intended for:

Employees or users who need to renew their Fermilab accounts


Scenario/Use case:

This article provides instructions on how to renew your Fermilab accounts.




On-site Employees

Periodically re-read the Fermilab Policy on Computing. Your computer accounts are active as long as you remain an employee, but you do need to visit the Badging Office on the ground floor of Wilson Hall to get a new photo ID before it expires. You will be sent a reminder in email before this happens.



Please follow the process described at

Note: Please begin this process at a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the expiration of your accounts.





See Also: