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How to navigate the Zoom web conferencing application


2.0 - Updated on 2021-02-25 by Carlos Salazar (Inactive)

1.0 - Authored on 2017-01-04 by Hannah Ward (Inactive)

Intended for: Users who need to use the Zoom video/web conferencing service

Scenario/Use case:

This article provides instructions on how to navigate the Zoom application.


For the PDF version of this article, click here.

On the Zoom home screen:

Settings-  your Zoom meeting settings including: Audio, Video, General (Application , Content Sharing, and Instant Message), Feedback, Recording, Account Type (Basic, Pro, etc.), and Statistics (Overall, Audio, Video, and Screen Sharing).

Start without video- to start a meeting sharing your desktop or application.

Start with video- to start a video meeting.

Schedule- to schedule a future meeting.

Join- to join a meeting that has already started or is scheduled to start.


In the drop down menu:

      • Set your availability.
      • Change your account picture.
      • Check for updates to Zoom.
      • Get help using Zoom.
      • Switch to another Zoom account.
      • Logout or exit Zoom.


Meetings Icon:

  1. View upcoming meetings or one(s) you have recorded.
  2. View your Personal Meeting ID (PMI).
  3. Select whether you always want to use your Personal Meeting Identifier (PMI) for instant meetings on the current computer.
  4. For Recurring Meetings, you can:
    1. Start the meeting.
    2. Edit the meeting settings.
    3. Schedule the meeting in Outlook or Google Calendar, or, copy the meeting invitation to send via email or message.
  5. For Scheduled Meetings, you can:
    1. Start the meeting
    2. Edit the meeting settings.
    3. Delete the meeting.
    4. Copy the meeting invitation.



Contacts icon:

  1. Search for a name in your list of Contacts.
  2. Click the + plus sign to add other contacts by email or to copy an invitation to a contact.
  3. Classify your contacts as Favorites. Right-click a contact name from your contact list and add the name to your favorites.
  4. View your list of Contacts.



Chats Icon:

When you click the Chats icon, you can start a new chat or start or establish a new group chat.

Start a new Chat:

  1. Click New Chat at the top of the window.The chat window opens.
  2. Search or select the contact you want to chat with and begin your chat.


Start a new Group Chat:

  1. Click New Group at the top of the screen. A new group chat window will open.
  2. Enter a unique Group Name for the New Group.
  3. Select or search for contacts for the group chat.
  4. Click Create Group when you have finished adding the contacts you want to your New Group. You can also add or remove contacts from a group at any time. You can now begin the group chat.




See Also: