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Guidelines for Public Access to Fermilab in Batavia for Events and Natural Areas


5.0 - Updated on 2024-10-21 by Anna Campbell

4.0 - Updated on 2024-10-21 by Eileen Crowley

3.0 - Updated on 2021-08-09 by Eileen Crowley

2.0 - Updated on 2021-03-24 by Anna Campbell

1.0 - Authored on 2021-02-12 by Eileen Crowley

1.  Parent Policy and Related Policies/Guidelines


Policy on Access to Fermilab

Procedure on Access to Fermilab

Policy on Events

Policy on Conferences

Guidelines/Procedure on Conferences

Recreation Programs Policy


2.  Purpose


The purpose of these guidelines is to define, outline and communicate the guidelines for members of the public that visit Fermilab property for Arts and Lecture Performances, Educational Tours, Colloquium Attendees, Lederman Science Center and Public Tours. The Fermilab Procedure and Policy on Access and the Policy on Events should be followed, and these guidelines are meant to detail the mentioned  events at the lab.  Clubs at Fermilab should follow the Recreation Programs Policy.


3.  Applicability


These guidelines apply to anyone who is not a FRA employee, subcontractor, Fermilab User, or DOE.  It applies to the Fermilab Designated Public Property in Batavia, IL.


4.  Effective Date and Date Reviewed/Updated


These guidelines went into effect on October 1, 2020.


5.  Guidelines


Process Overview


All visitors to the Fermilab site in Batavia, IL must follow the Policy and Procedure on Access to Fermilab.


Arts and Lecture Attendees: Must register through the Arts and Lectures registration process. In this process the name, address, email address are provided for attendees. Attendees that purchase tickets at the door are asked to register at the ticket booth with a name and email address. A database of these attendees is maintained. Attendees are allowed access to these areas only: Ramsey Auditorium and the Atrium. No attendees may enter any other public space, such as the 15th floor during the events. The Office of Education and Public Outreach is responsible ensuring that attendees adhere to the Policy and Procedures of Site Access.


Art Exhibit Attendees: Public attendees are allowed access to the Public Art Exhibit Area in the Gallery and Atrium. The Office of Education and Public Outreach is responsible for ensuring that attendees adhere to the Policy and Procedures of Site Access.


Colloquium:  Public attendees are expected to sign in at the Colloquium as a guest. Attendees are allowed in the Public Areas of the lab during public hours. The Colloquium Committee is responsible for adhering to the Policy and Procedures of Site Access.


Fermilab Real Property:  Fermilab Natural Areas (FNA) Volunteers. The  Fermilab Ecological Land Management (ELM)Committee, Ecology and Conservation, Habitat Communities and Wildlife Conservation visitors, volunteers and group members. All visitors/volunteers are expected to register with their respective working groups. FRA does not track all volunteers, but general site requirements and access restrictions apply to all FNA members and volunteers entering the site.   The Fermilab ELM Committee is responsible for visitors/volunteers adhering to general site requirements and access restrictions


Lederman Science Center: Visitors are required to register at the Lederman Science Center front desk upon entrance. This registration is captured in a database maintained by the Office of Education and Public Outreach.  General site requirements and access restrictions apply to all entering the LSC.  


Public Tours:  All attendees for scheduled Public Tours must sign in at the atrium registration desk. A database of attendees is maintained by the  Office of Education and Public Outreach. Attendees are allowed in the Public Areas of the lab during public hours. Education Facilitators are responsible for Public Tour visitors adhering to the Policy and Procedures of Site Access while on tours. General site requirements and access restrictions apply to all tour attendees entering the site.


Real Property guests, Open House Visitors, biking, walking, fishing and dog park visitors: Public guests are expected to stay in public areas of the lab during public visiting hours and following posted Notice Signs at Gates. If using the natural areas and visitors need to use the restrooms or would like to visit the Cafeteria, they may do so by registering at the Fermilab reception desk. The Education and Public Outreach office maintains a database of visitors who register at the reception desk.  Visitors may not enter non-public space. Non-authorized entry is punishable under federal and state law, including 18 USC §1752.


Notes/Further Guidance

Community boards, science societies, engineering societies, homeowners’ associations, automobile clubs, societies, clubs, University, professional organizations, sports groups and other organizations not affiliated with FRA or Fermilab may not gather for meetings or events on site unless by prior written approval of the Fermilab General Counsel. Any such approved events must be  subsequently entered into the Fermilab Event Portal by the Event Organizer


6.  Definitions



7.  Owner

These Guidelines are  owned by the Fermilab Chief of Staff.   


8.  Review Cycle

These guidelines must be reviewed once a year with the Parent Documents identified above.


9.  Communication Plan

Guidelines are to be communicated yearly to all stakeholders above who are responsible for visitors. Those stakeholders are responsible for monthly reminders.  The Office of Education and Public Outreach, The Colloquium Committee, The ELM Committee and Fermilab Ecologist are all responsible for communications to their groups.


10.  References
