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eduroam - How to set up eduroam on a Windows PC


2.0 - Updated on 2022-11-03 by Quinton Healy

1.0 - Authored on 2014-02-25 by Thomas Bozonelos

Intended for: Users who want to set up eduroam on a Windows PC

Scenario/Use case:

This article provides instructions on how to set up eduroam on your Windows PC.



1. Navigate to the eduroam installer site located HERE.


2. Click on eduroam:user download your eduroam installer:


3. Select Fermi National Accelerator Lab - Batavia as your Home Institution:


4. Click on the Download your eduroam installer.  If the installer is incorrect for your Operating System, click All platforms, then select your Operating System:


5. If prompted, click on Run:


6. If you receive a Symantec Endpoint Protection notification, click Allow this file then OK:


7. The eduroam installer will start.  Click Next:


8. Click OK:


9. Check the box for Accept then click Next:


10. Enter your Services Account username (in the format of username@SERVICES.FNAL.GOV) and your Services Account password (will need to be entered twice), then click Install:


11. Once the installed has completed, click Finish:


12. To connect, click on the network connections icon in the bottom right of your Task Bar:


13. Select the eduroam network and click Connect:


14. It will now show you connected to the eduroam network:


15. If you encounter problems, please contact the Service Desk through the contact information below:



See Also: