How to Register / Update / Unregister a Personally Owned Device
Intended for:
Users who need to register/update/unregister a personally owned device.
Scenario/Use case:
This article provides instructions on how to:
Register a new device
1. To register a new personal device, navigate to the Register / Update / Unregister a Personally Owned Device catalog item.
2. Select the owner of the personal device in the "Device Owner" field. This is a required field and will default to the logged in user, but can be changed.
3. Select "Add new device" from the "Choose an existing device or select Add new device" drop down field.
4. Enter a name in the "Device Name" field. This is a required field, and will need to be a unique name.
5. Select whether the personal device is a "Laptop", a "Desktop", or a "Mobile Device" from the "Hardware Type" field. This is a required field.
6. Optionally, select a manufacturer from the existing list in the "Manufacturer" field. To easily find an existing manufacturer, either begin typing the manufacturer's name in the field to be presented with a list of matching manufacturers or click the magnifying glass icon () next to the field for a full list of manufacturers.
7. Optionally, select a location from the existing list in the "Location" field. To easily find an existing location, either begin typing the location name in the field to be presented with a list of matching locations or click the magnifying glass icon () next to the field for a full list of location.
8. Select the appropriate operating system from the "Operating System" field. Select "Other" if no matches are found. This is a required field.
9. Optionally, enter a purpose for this device in the "System Description" field.
10. Optionally, enter any additional details you would like saved with this device in the "Comments" field.
11. Enter ALL your MAC addresses in one of these acceptable formats: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx or xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxx
- If you need to CHANGE your MAC address, just type the correct address over the incorrect one.
- If you need to DELETE your MAC address, just remove the address from the box.
- For assistance finding the MAC address of your computer/device, please review KB0010943.
12. Click Submit when finished. Within a few minutes you can expect to receive a confirmation email once the device registration has been completed.
Update an existing device
1. To update an existing personal device, navigate to the Register / Update / Unregister a Personally Owned Device catalog item.
2. Select the owner of the personal device in the "Device Owner" field. This is a required field and will default to the logged in user, but can be changed.
3. Select the device from the "Choose an existing device or select Add new device" drop down field. The existing fields will prepopulate with the data currently in the system.
4. Update the fields as needed.
5. Click Submit when finished. Within a few minutes, you can expect to receive a confirmation email once the device updates have been completed.
Unregister an existing device
1. To unregister an existing personal device, navigate to the Register / Update / Unregister a Personally Owned Device catalog item.
2. Select the owner of the personal device in the "Device Owner" field. This is a required field and will default to the logged in user.
3. Select the device from the "Choose an existing device or select Add new device" drop down field. The existing fields will prepopulate with the data currently in the system.
4. Place a check in the "Unregister" checkbox.
5. Click Submit when finished. Within a few minutes, you can expect to receive a confirmation email once the device has been unregistered.
See Also: