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eduroam: Windows - How to set up eduroam on a Windows PC


2.0 - Updated on 2022-11-03 by Quinton Healy

1.0 - Authored on 2014-02-25 by Thomas Bozonelos

eduroam: Windows - How to install eduroam on Windows PC


Intended for:

Windows users who need to use eduroam (education roaming) to obtain Internet connectivity across campus and when visiting other participating institutions.


Scenario/Use case:

This article provides instructions on how to download, install, and configure the eduroam on your Windows PC.



The following covers the installation and use of eduroam.  If you encounter problems, please contact the Service Desk:

Installing eduroam:

  1. You need to download the eduroam installer from
  2. At the bottom of the page, click on "Click here to download your eduroam installer". 

  3. You will be asked to locate for institution or organization.  Select "Fermi National Accelerator Lab - Batavia as your Home Institution". 

  4. This will take you to the download page.  Click on "eduroam" installer and download the installer.  

  5. Locate where you downloaded the installer and launch the installer.
  6. You will be prompted to allow the installer to run.  Click "Run". 

  7. On the installer's first screen, click "Next >".

  8. The next screen notifies you that you must be a member of Fermilab.  Click "OK". 

  9. On the license screen, click the "Accept" checkbox and then click "Next".

  10. On the User Credentials screen, enter your Services Account username (in the format of username@SERVICES.FNAL.GOV) and your Services Account password (will need to be entered twice), then click "Install".

  11. Once the installed has completed, click "Finish".

Using eduroam:

  1. To connect, click on the network connections icon in the bottom right of your Task Bar.

  2. Select the eduroam network and click Connect.

  3. It will now show you connected to the eduroam network.


See Also: