Changing Fermi domain password using a domain system
Intended for:
Users whose computer is in the Fermi domain who wish to change their Fermi domain (Windows login) password.
Scenario/Use case:
Change their Fermi domain (Windows login) password on their computer.
- Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete on Windows desktop
- Select Change Password
3. Change your password (NOTE that there are indications on the "Change a password" screen that your computer is in the Fermi domain as highlighted in yellow below.)
If you have problems changing your password, try the Password Reset Tool or contact the Service Desk.
Password Requirements:
- Minimum of 10 characters
- Three of the four character groups must be used
- Uppercase
- Lowercase
- Numeric
- Special characters ( !,%,#, and @ are supported )
- The password cannot contain three or more characters from your username
- You cannot reuse any of your last 8 passwords
- Your password cannot contain your username or real name
- The password has a minimum age of 2 days