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Policy on Access to Fermilab Batavia, IL, and Lead, SD Sites


Policy on Access to Fermilab Batavia, IL, and Lead, SD, Sites

1. Purpose

This policy establishes the requirements for accessing Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), which is managed and operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA). The Statement of Work within the Prime Contract between FRA and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) requires FRA to develop and maintain a program compliant with the relevant state and federal laws and regulations and DOE orders. This policy establishes FRA’s policy framework for physical and logical (remote) computing access to FRA-managed and -operated sites, including in Batavia, IL, and space leased by DOE in Lead, SD, facilities and resources.


2. Scope

This policy applies to physical and Logical (remote) Access to Fermilab and its information.


3. Applicability

This policy applies to FRA, its Employees, Users, Affiliates, Business and Personal Visitors, Subcontractors, Urgent Short-Term Workers, Authorized Guests, and members of the public.


4. Effective Date and Date Reviewed/Updated

This policy went into effect on May 1, 2017, and its update was effective on August 9, 2024.


5. Policy

a. Access to Fermilab is allowed in accordance with applicable federal and DOE laws, regulations, orders, requirements of FRA’s Statement of Work within the Prime Contract with DOE, and FRA policies. Approval for physical and/or Logical Access shall be based on information submitted in advance and may include consideration of the purpose of access, the citizenship and security profile of the individual, eligibility to be or work in the U.S., and aspects of their home institution (User Institution) or other affiliations. A Host of Foreign National will be assigned as applicable by the Foreign National Access Program (FNAP) within the Global Services Department in coordination with the appropriate division/project leadership. The nature of the approved work shall also determine the levels of access, review, or approval.


b. FRA provides site access control for business and general public purposes while maintaining responsibility to protect persons, government property, and the environment. Everyone entering the site, regardless of how they enter and regardless of their relationship with FRA or Fermilab (i.e., Employee, User, Affiliate, visitor, member of the public, etc.) is required to follow all site signs, postings, and instructions of Security and other laboratory officers, as well as the “Illinois Rules of the Road.” Persons, hand-carried items, packages, briefcases, and vehicles entering Fermilab, as a condition of such access, are subject to random searches as ordered by the U.S. Department of Energy to ensure compliance of prohibited articles. A refusal to submit to a search shall result in denial of access to Fermilab; administrative review for other actions may be warranted. The Security force will perform random no-notice searches on entering or exiting vehicles. FRA may deny access to Fermilab to individuals who do not possess the required documentation, training, qualification, and/or authorization. Access may be subject to FNAP verification and the Fermilab Policy on Export Control. Case-by-case exceptions from the Fermilab Site Security Plan (SSP) may be made at the discretion of the DOE Fermi Site Office (FSO) Officially Designated Federal Security Authority (ODFSA) by request from the FRA Facility Security Officer. The FRA Facility Security Officer will ensure that all DOE FSO ODFSA decisions are documented.


c. Fermilab complies with the REAL ID Act of 2005. Only REAL ID-compliant identification or REAL ID-compliant alternative forms of identification as defined by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-9 will be accepted for individuals requesting a Fermilab-issued badge. All persons physically entering the Fermilab site, with the exception of minors and local school district/Pace Bus drivers, must present a valid government-issued photo identification (e.g., REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or passport) or Fermilab-issued photo identification (badge) at the gates. Third-party bus drivers contracted by local school districts are required to comply with the REAL ID Act of 2005. Minors must be accompanied by an adult for site access or must present government-issued photo identification or a Fermilab badge. Minors not accompanied by an adult must be 16 years of age or older and must be entering the site to participate in an Education and Public Engagement program or visiting Lederman Science Center. Elementary, middle, or high school students, including high school students who are 18 years of age or older, will not require identification when accompanied by adult(s) as part of a school program.



d. All members of the public, unless specifically granted permission, must stay in General Access Areas (GAAs). These areas that are open to the public are available here. Fermilab does not permit the use of geocaching games on any Fermilab-managed DOE sites.


e. All individuals are subject to approval prior to accessing the Fermilab site in accordance with federal and DOE regulations. These individuals are required to provide valid REAL ID-compliant ID and to complete site access request forms. All Foreign Nationals, except members of the general public visiting GAAs or as otherwise provided in the SSP, must undergo FNAP and Export/Import Control Compliance reviews before being permitted to access the site.


f. The following are prohibited articles at Fermilab:


g. Per the SSP, in cases of emergency, external emergency responders shall coordinate on-site arrival with the appropriate security and fire departments.


h. Non-FSO personnel who are  DOE federal personnel on official business are permitted to use their HSPD-12 identification to gain visitor access to the site; however, for additional privileges, they must coordinate with the DOE FSO prior to accessing the Fermilab site. Other federal agencies personnel are required to submit a site access request.


i. Individuals who are not requesting physical access but are requesting Logical (remote) Access to Fermilab nonpublic information and resources are required to follow the process for Logical Access referenced on the Get-Connected website. These individuals do not need to be badged unless they physically come to the Fermilab site.


j. Business Visitors are required to fill out an access request form or register via Indico and must provide a QR code and a valid REAL ID-compliant form of government-issued photo identification at the security gate. Alternative forms of identification are also accepted in accordance with REAL ID requirements. A Fermilab- or DOE-badged Point of Contact is required to approve the access request. Information requirements include the visitor’s first and last name, desired date(s) of access, intended access location(s), country/countries of citizenship, and country of birth. For a Foreign National Business Visitor, FNAP and Export Control must approve the access request before access is granted.


k. Urgent Short-Term Workers (one-day Subcontractors) are required to fill out an access request form and must provide a QR code and valid REAL ID-compliant form of government-issued photo identification at the security gate. Alternative forms of identification are also accepted in accordance with REAL ID requirements. In South Dakota, an Urgent Short-Term Worker must provide a QR code and a valid Real ID to a member of the Security Emergency Management Division (SEMD) at the South Dakota Services Office (SDSO). The Physical Security Manager or Deputy Physical Security Manager must approve the access request.


l. Employees, Subcontractors, Users, Authorized Guests, and Affiliates who require Fermilab badges are required to follow the appropriate processes to obtain site access. These include requiring FRA Employees to follow the Human Resources (HR) onboarding process to obtain site access privileges, and Subcontractors, Users, and Affiliates who will be conducting work or research at or on Fermilab sites to provide a valid REAL ID-compliant form of government-issued identification and complete site access forms. Alternative forms of identification are also accepted in accordance with REAL ID requirements. Access approval is required prior to accessing the site. Fermilab and DOE badges (Local Site Specific Only (LSSO)/HSPD-12) are to be worn 100% of the time while on Fermilab property. Badges must be worn on the front of the body, below the neck, and above the waist.


m. Public Visitors are required to provide a valid REAL ID-compliant form of government-issued photo identification, unless they are minors as specified above, and remain in public areas only unless they are accompanied by a trained escort or attending an approved program or event consistent with the SSP. Public access hours are specified on the Fermilab website.


n. Authorized Guests who require Fermilab access are required to follow the Fermilab Access Policy and complete site access forms referenced on the Get-Connected website.


o. Piggybacking onto a federal facility is prohibited. All individuals must scan into card-accessed equipped buildings/elevators or by enter means of an issued key to the individuals from the Security Operations Center (SOC). No one is allowed to open doors for others unless specifically given permission by the Facility Security Officer or when they are officially escorting an individual with an active Business Visitor badge.


6. Definitions

Affiliate: An Affiliate is an individual who is not employed by FRA but who has access to Fermilab facilities and resources for the purpose of advancing the scientific mission of the laboratory and whose Work generally requires unescorted and/or after-hours access to a Nonpublic Area and is not designated a National User Facility User. Access is limited to areas/systems of need but is not a User.


Affiliation: An Affiliation is the basis of the relationship between an access requestor and Fermilab. Examples include participation or membership in approved Fermilab experiments, projects, collaborations, approved joint-work activities, or organizations.


Affiliation Validator: An Affiliation Validator is an FRA Employee who is accountable for verifying the information of an individual requesting access and ensuring that the individual is a member of and/or associated with the experiment, project, or division/section prior to approving Fermilab access. Approvers are required to develop and follow their own approver verification process.


Authorized Guest: Parents who have a child in day care and who are not already badged for some other mission purpose; parents who have a formal relationship with Fermilab (FRA and DOE Employees per Appendix A-XIII (c) have access and an updated prox card for day care access in certain hours); family members who are not directly affiliated (usually spouses or partners of Employees, visitors, Subcontractors, etc.); and housing resident family members — spouse, domestic partner, child, stepchild, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandparent-in-law, and caretaker (with approval from HR under the content of providing reasonable accommodation).


Bus Driver: A Bus Driver is an employed or contracted driver for the Pace Bus (suburban bus division of the Regional Transportation Authority) or local school districts that provide services to Fermilab. This does not include third-party subcontracted bus transportation services.


Business Visitor: A Business Visitor is a person who has a mission-related reason to visit Fermilab for a duration of less than one week, such as vendor meetings, VIP visits, congressional visits, or scientific, technical, or business meetings. A Business Visitor does not receive payments or reimbursement using DOE funds.


DOE Fermi Site Office (FSO) Manager: The DOE FSO Manager is the individual responsible for approving the Site Security Plan (SSP) and is ultimately responsible for accepting any residual risk on behalf of the laboratory. The FSO Manager serves as the approval authority for Unclassified Foreign National Access (UFNA) activities and programs and may curtail or suspend operations when continued operations would result in an unacceptable risk to the national security and/or to the health and safety of DOE and contractor Employees, the public, or the environment.


a) Full-time Employee — A full-time Employee is a current employee of FRA assigned to work 40 hours per week for an indefinite period of time. This individual goes through the FNAP process and is processed after HR new hire orientation.

b) Part-time Employee — This individual is an FRA Employee who works less than 40 hours for an indefinite period of time.

c) Term Employee — This individual is an FRA Employee who has a predetermined termination date.


Escort: An Escort is a trained individual who is accountable for the daily activities of a visitor for the duration of a planned visit. Escorts are required to complete Fermilab escort training to accompany any persons at the lab who are accessing a Nonpublic Area and who do not have a Fermilab badge.


Export/Import Control Compliance Manager: This is an FRA-designated employee responsible for implementing, maintaining, and communicating Export Control-related policies, procedures, and processes and for completing Export Control Verifications for exports and releases of information or technology subject to U.S. export control laws and regulations. This includes Export Control Verification of non-U.S. persons invited to or requesting access to Fermilab sites or its technology. For additional detail, reference the Policy on Export Control.


Export Control Verification: This is the review, screening, obtaining of any necessary U.S. export authorizations, and approval of exports or releases of information or technology subject to U.S. export control laws and regulations, including export controls administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce via the EAR, the U.S. Department of State via the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) via its regulations, and DOE via its policies, orders, and other regulations.


Federal Employee: This is a current employee of the U.S. federal government.


Foreign National: A Foreign National is an individual without U.S. citizenship.


FRA Facility Security Officer: The Security Authority for the lab and is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the SSP and policies related to the Safeguards & Security Program.


General Access Area (GAA): This is a designated area that is accessible to all personnel, including public visitors.


Government-Issued Identification (ID): This is a state or federal government-issued form of identification that includes a photo. Examples are a passport, HSPD-12 badge, or state driver’s license.


Host of Foreign National: This is an FRA employee approved by the appropriate division/project to be responsible for the activities associated with a Foreign National accessing the Fermilab site or resources and who has completed Fermilab Host Training.


Logical Access: Logical Access is virtual or remote access to data or information.

Non-Proprietary User Agreements (NPUA)/Agreement: These are written agreements between institutions and FRA using a DOE-approved template that addresses liability and accountability for accessing Fermilab-associated resources commonly associated with a DOE-approved scientific User facility at the lab.


Nonpublic Area (informal): A Nonpublic Area is a Property Protection Area.


Officially Designated Federal Security Authority (ODFSA): This is a Federal Employee who possesses the appropriate knowledge and responsibilities for each situation to which they are assigned through delegation. Delegation of authority for these positions is originated according to direction from the accountable Program Secretarial Officer (or the Secretary or Deputy Secretary for Departmental Elements not organized under a Program Secretarial Office), who also provides direction for which of the ODFSA positions may be further delegated. Each delegation must be documented in writing. It may be included in other security plans or documentation approved by or according to direction from the accountable principal. Each delegator remains responsible for the delegee’s acts or omissions in carrying out the purpose of the delegation.


Personal Visitor: A Personal Visitor is an individual who does not have business with the laboratory but who is approved to access Fermilab Village housing. Issuance and admittance are subject to FRA controls and acceptance of liability if not for a DOE mission purpose. A Personal Visitor is not allowed in a workspace unless they are covered by an event or other pre-approved activity. A Personal Visitor is not allowed to stay overnight. For housing resident personal guests — an FRA Employee or housing resident submits a form for the personal visit.


Point of Contact (POC): This is an FRA-approved individual responsible for confirming and approving an individual’s business reason and for the confirming activities associated with the individual’s access to the Fermilab site and/or use of information or technologies.


Property Protection Area (PPA): A PPA is a security area that is established to protect Employees and government buildings, facilities, and property.


Public Area (informal): A Public Area is a general access area accessible to Public Visitors.


Public Visitor: A Public Visitor is an individual visiting the site who is not employed by Fermilab, or coming to do Work at Fermilab. A Public Visitor is only allowed access during specific times and to specific locations.


REAL ID: This is a valid state or federal Government-Issued Identification that is compliant with the REAL ID Act of 2005.


Safeguards and Security Program: This is an internal FRA and DOE program that is responsible for coordinating and integrating safeguard and security policies, activities, and operational procedures. This group is chaired by the FRA Facility Security Officer within the Office of the Chief Operating Officer.


Subcontractor:  This is an individual who accesses Fermilab facilities and resources working via a Procurement-managed subcontract with FRA. Subcontractors include individuals who consult with the laboratory, postdocs, project controls specialists, IT professionals, Security, etc.


Urgent Short-Term Worker (one-day Subcontractor): This is a non-badged individual who requires a PO and an Escort.



a) On-site User — This is an individual who accesses Fermilab facilities and resources for the purpose of advancing the scientific mission of the laboratory and whose Work generally requires unescorted and/or after-hours access to a Nonpublic Area (DOE Approved National User Facilities and/or non-User Facility Resources). Access is limited to those designated as National User Facility users. Access to Fermilab is based on an approved User agreement.


b) Off-site user — This individual needs to be a member of a collaboration/ an experiment/an Affiliation that has been authorized by DOE. Computing access is allowed only. Access to Fermilab is based on an approved User agreement.


c) User-sponsored Subcontractor, consultant, or other representative (e.g., a guest or family in on-site housing, a Subcontractor for a User/institution, a researcher who is interested in collaborating with). These individuals are not covered by an individual User agreement and cannot escort or host anyone. While these individuals can also be defined by other species, such as housing resident guest, non-FRA Subcontractor, or research Affiliate, it is their relationship to the User agreement that is primary. Access to Fermilab is based on an approved User agreement.


U.S. Citizen: This is an individual who is a citizen of the United States of America.


Work: This is a term for the conducting of business for or with Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.



7. Responsibilities

The Fermilab Director is responsible for all programs related to this policy.


FRA chiefs and division and project directors are responsible for ensuring that all requirements highlighted in this policy are effectively and consistently implemented and communicated with full adherence within their organizations. They are also responsible for ensuring that individuals invited to visit the Fermilab site or its associated resources are related to their organization’s activities and comply with this policy.


The FRA Facility Security Officer is the Security Authority for the lab and is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the SSP and the policies related to the Safeguards and Security Program, and for ensuring effective and consistent implementation and adherence to the requirements highlighted in this procedure across Fermilab. This individual is also responsible for the review, update, and submission of Fermilab's SSP and applicable policies, and is the ultimate approver of special event security plans.


FRA Employees, Fermilab Users, Affiliates, visitors, Authorized Guests, Subcontractors, and Employees of DOE FSO are responsible for:


The Foreign National Access Program (FNAP) office is responsible for all Unclassified Foreign National Access requirements as they relate to this policy; obtaining access approvals for all individuals who have origins or citizenship outside of the United States who are invited to Fermilab or who express desire to access/visit Fermilab (or its associated resources); and approving new Foreign National hosts and ensuring that training requirements are met.


8. Authorities

REAL ID Act of 2005

REAL ID Modernization Act of 2020

DOE O 205.1 Department of Energy Cyber Security Management Program

DOE O 470.4 Safeguards and Security Program

DOE O 486.1A

FESHM Chapter 2070 - Environment, Safety, Health & Quality Training

Fermilab Policy on Export Control

Fermilab Policy on Photography and Videography of Technical Systems

Fermilab Site Security Plan (Authorized Access Only)

Fermilab Emergency Management Policy
DOE O 142.3B Chg 1 (LtdChg) Unclassified Foreign National Access Program

Event Policy

On-site Access and Computing Accounts (Remote Access), Campus Access Office webpages

Visit Fermilab - Hours and Site Access


9. Owner

The FRA Facility Security Officer, under the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, is the owner of this policy.


10. Review Cycle

This policy shall be reviewed every three years or as needed.


11. Communication Plan

The requirements of this policy shall be communicated by the FRA Facility Security Officer to all Employees, and periodic training shall be provided to requirements owners and laboratory leadership. This policy shall be available in the Fermilab policy database.


The approved version of this policy can be found at the following URL: