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Enable Zoom Add-in for Outlook via Outlook Web Access


Enable Zoom Add-in for Outlook via Outlook Web Access


Intended for:

Mac users.


Scenario/Use case:

Enable the Zoom Add-in for Outlook via OWA.



1. In a web browser, navigate to

2. Login with your Services account and password, and then click Sign On.

3. Open your Outlook web calendar.

































4. Click the gear icon next to your name to create a new calendar event, and select “View all Outlook settings”.






























5. Select “Customize actions”.














6. Check the box next to “Zoom” and click Save.
























7. Click the X in the upper-right corner to exit the Customize Actions window.

8. You will now see an icon for Zoom in OWA and Outlook when creating a new event.








































See Also:

FermiMail: Webmail via web browser (OWA) to access your Fermilab email account via web browser.