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Launching Java based forms after eBS upgrade


2.0 - Updated on 2021-11-08 by Fang Wang

1.0 - Authored on 2021-11-08 by Fang Wang

Launching Java based forms after eBS upgrade

Intended for:

eBS users

Scenario/Use case:

This article describes how to open a Java based form after the eBS upgrade. A sample Java based form is shown below.


1. To launch a form, click a responsibility link in Navigator. If several forms are grouped under one responsibility, all of them will be displayed.

2. Click the form you want to open. Please note that HTML based forms will be opened immediately. However, a Java based form will not open until after you’ve completed the steps below.

a. Scroll down until you see the warning message in the left bottom corner and click the Keep button.

b.  Next, you need to click on the Java servlet file that appears. Alternatively, you can click the up arrow next to the file name and then click Open.

c. To launch your form, click the OK button.

d. Your Java based form will be opened in a new window, separate from your Home page window.