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Remove Zoom Plugin for Outlook


2.0 - Updated on 2021-03-24 by Carlos Salazar (Inactive)

1.0 - Authored on 2021-03-24 by Carlos Salazar (Inactive)

Remove Zoom Plugin for Outlook


Intended for:

Mac users.


Scenario/Use case:

Zoom’s Plugin for Outlook is no longer being supported by Microsoft. Please follow the instructions below to remove Zoom’s Plugin for Outlook. To continue managing and scheduling meetings, see Enable Zoom Add-in for Outlook via Outlook Web Access.



New - Zoom Add-In for Outlook:







































If you see this Add-in, then no action is required.


Old - Zoom Plugin for Outlook
















If you see this Plugin, please follow the steps below to remove it:

1. Open a Finder window and go to “Applications”.
2. Find and open the “ZoomOutlookPlugin” folder.
3. Run the Uninstall program.






















4. Zoom’s Plugin has now been removed.


See Also:

Enable Zoom Add-in for Outlook via Outlook Web Access